A Classic Fairy-Tale...
Caroline's Story
THE STORY BEGINS: Caroline is originally from Boston, MA and began her journey with one foot in wildlife conservation and one in humanitarianism.
THE MAIN CHARACTER FACES CHALLENGES: After experiencing years of anxiety and struggle, Caroline discovered the power of her inner-being after tough times forced her to look within. It was then that she discovered that if she listened to her inner voice and followed her excitement, not only did her inner world get better, but so did her outer world. And it got a lot BETTER! Conversely, if she did things out of obligation and fear, reality kinda sucked.
THE MAIN CHARACTER FINDS HER VOICE: Overtime, she learned that understanding negative emotion is actually a very healing and important process, not an inhibitor. Slowly but surely, her alignment with her inner-voice became her number one priority and she got her hands on as many healing modalities as she possibly could. Thats when the magic began to increase…
IN COME THE ALLIES: Loving beings who wanted to help in the process started making themselves known to Caroline in and out of session. When clients began having unexplained experiences in session, and many receiving direct contact, Caroline began studying all things related to consciousness. Over and over she various beings* popped in to help her and her clients along their journey. New realities were entered, new doors opened.
THE MAIN CHARACTER LIVES HER VERSION OF HAPPILY EVER AFTER: Caroline now dedicates her healing modalities as an outlet to assist people to make their big leaps into themselves, and live from their highest potential. Her passion project is creating bridges to future contact and assisting others in unraveling the contact they have already experienced.
* Beings? You can pretty much name it all, they’ve made contact! Spirit Guides, Wild Animals, Extra-Terrestrials, Inter-dimensional Beings, Parallel Lives (future, past), Deceased loved ones, Relatives of spouses.
Sessions are available over ZOOM or in person in Silverlake, Los Angeles.